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Art: General Safety Joe's Racquetball Home Back to EQP LLC Email Joe Racquetball Media Joe's Racquetball Blog Other Racquetball Blogs Racquetball Articles Racquetball Downloads Racquetball Videos RSS Feed Club Player Boards The Club at Woodbridge Hillsborough Racquet Club Rutgers Busch Board Rutgers C/D Board Members Member Login Forgot Password Member FAQ Tools ELO Calculator League Tools Player Services Racquetball Club Locations Player Registry Racquetball Leagues Racquetball Leagues Racquetball League FAQ Racquetball Matches League Players Player Profiles Player ELO Rankings Player Power Rankings Player Quarter Rankings Help on Ranking Systems Site Help Our Mission Site FAQ Playing @RU Racquetball Tips USAR 2011 Offical Rules HobbyStop Racquetball Carl Moody Racquetball R-ball Tips Racquetball Community USAR Meet and Play alt.sports.racquetball Racquetball on Wikipedia Racquetball Links Racquetball on Facebook | How to play Racquetball Series: General Safety There's a lot to racquetball I want to cover and I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel or supersede any professional association rule books or materials. My goal is to get more people playing racquetball and playing it safely.
1) Wear Goggles Players should always wear goggles especially with newcomers. Most of them want to hit the ball hard without proper footwork or mechanics. They also swing at the ball at the wrong time and probably have no real sense where their opponent is. Can it be any more dangerous? 2) Stay a swing and step away If you think you're going to hit someone stop and say "I held up." It's ok and in the official rule book. 3) Wear Court Shoes 4) Don't take shots that endanger your opponent or partner 5) Don't stand in the way of your opponent's shots Summary Additional Resources |