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General Rutgers Recreation Information
Visit http://www1.recreation.rutgers.edu/ for general information and schedules for each facility.

Cook/Douglas Recreation Center (Rutgers-Cook)
Court Reservations: (732) 932-7290. On the hour.
Has five Racquetball courts, would of been six if they hadn't converted one into a mini-gym. Walled in court with glass door. One of our players, MCT, says the floors are pretty bad, but it's not a bad place to play. Lighting is very good on most courts. It's where I and most of the players here call home.

Officially hosts the Intramural Racquetball Tournament around October and runs to just before Thanksgiving break. Including Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Doubles and Singles.

Guests to the club pay $6 to use the entire facility, but need to stay with a sponsor. There's no additional court fees. Joseph Delgado organizes a small group of players independently of the administration.

Sonny Werblin Recreation Center (Rutgers-Busch)
Court Reservations: (732) 445-0460. On the hour and half hour.
Has about six Racquetball courts and two Squash courts. Would of been eight but they converted two of them into Golf Instruction areas. Each court has an opaque glass back wall and paneled walls. Adequate to poor lighting and the floors often look dirty, but it does have air conditioning. Guests can be sponsored for $6. Rich Tedesco runs his Wednesday night ladder from these courts.

Copyright 2011-2008 by Enchanted Quill Press, LLC.
Copyright 2002-2008 by Joseph Delgado. Published since 12/31/02.
Last Updated 7/26/08. Please email Webmaster about site problems or questions.
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